woman wearing black sitting in sand dunes

Welcome, I’m Sabrina

I am an Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Therapist, Panchakarma Technician and advocate for health sovereignty. Currently I am pursuing my Doctorate in Ayurvedic Medicine through Ayurved Sadhana Vidyalaya with Dr. Bharat Vaidya. Since 2019 I have worked and continue to be in mentorship in the field of Panchakarma under the tutelage of Ayurvedic Doctors Heather Marie of Soma Mountain Rejuvenation and Wahnetta Trotter of Satmya Ayurveda. It’s with deep gratitude that I have the privilege to work along side these women, who are experts in the field of Panchakarma, as I continue to expand my knowledge and skill in the advanced field of Ayurved.

I am passionate about offering the gifts of nourishment and vitality, in all their aspects, through the sacred medicine of oil and the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Embodied joy, pleasure and sensuality are values in my personal and work life. I create a space where clients can come to safely reconnect, enjoy, and feel deeply into their body. Rituals of longevity and vitality are not just for the vast benefits to our health, but also to feed the energetic potency of what it is to be fully engaged and in enjoyment of living. Endlessly amazed at the bravery of humanity during this time, I look forward to greeting the vulnerability of those stepping into the container of my work and am grateful to be of service to all who grace my table.


What are ayurvedic rejuvenative therapies?


Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Therapies restore the body’s intrinsic intelligence, bringing strength to the tissues and providing ease of the mind by restoring the balance between the endocrine and nervous systems.

These therapies are part of a 5,000-year-old science of detoxification and vitality. By addressing the immune system, reversing depletion, and supporting the nervous and endocrine systems, this modality of healing brings the individual back to their vital nature through the medicine of oil and the power of presence given by the practitioner.



Health Sovereignty

Each of us has the right and responsibility to carry our health in our own hands. Lalita Soma strives to make the wisdoms of plant medicine and holistic healing available to everyone, so that each of us can feel empowered to make decisions that benefit our longterm wellbeing.


Ritual Wellness

I believe that longevity truly begins with self care and intentional health practices that weave wellness into lifestyle. Through Lalita Soma, I work with each client to understand how we might integrate an individualized, self-led health practice into their daily lives, creating a sustainable, longterm ritual of self-care.



Longevity as a birthright

I believe that everybody has a right to a healthy body. Lalita Soma works under the guiding principle that all bodies are welcome, regardless of sex, gender, age, race, ethnicity, orientation, or socio-economic background. Lalita Soma is committed to creating an environment of safety, acceptance, and ease for all clients.



Safety in sensual embodiment

To be human is to be a sensual being. In a society that obsessively over-sexualizes women and shames male expressiveness, Lalita Soma wants to help people reclaim a sensual connection with their own bodies, separate from their sexuality. Because everyone deserves to feel connected, safe, and powerful in their own body.


“Life is the combination of body, sense, mind and the reincarnating soul. Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life, beneficial to human both in this world and the world beyond.”


— Charak samhita